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Consulate General of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Istanbul

News from Uzbekistan

How Uzbekistan implements foreign experience in the system of Presidential educational institutions

In Uzbekistan the attitude towards education and upbringing, science has completely changed. In particular, systematic, consistent and comprehensive measures are being implemented to develop preschool, general secondary and higher education, research institutions. A number of important decrees, resolutions and programs are being adopted in this direction.

Uzbekistan: Development of Culture – A Key Tool for Preserving National Identity

Culture and art are the foundation of civilization, national identity, and spiritual perfection, as well as important indicators of a country’s progress. The development of these spheres, reflecting the spiritual growth of the people, their past, present, and future, requires an approach that meets the demands of the times. This is why the reforms aimed at the development of culture and art in Uzbekistan carry profound meaning and are entering a new phase.

Lawmaking in Uzbekistan is based on international experience and national practice

Currently, as our state's development has entered a new stage, large-scale reforms are being implemented to modernize all spheres of public life and build a rule-of-law state. In this process, legislative activity is acquiring special relevance and becoming an important factor in the effectiveness of public administration. The profound socio-economic changes occurring in our country, the activation of integration processes in the international arena, as well as global digitalization trends require cardinal improvement of legislative activity.

Over 40,000 educators in Uzbekistan received bonuses based on international and national certification standards

The development of a nation is closely tied to consistent reforms and renewal. Key focus areas include valuing human dignity, ensuring a prosperous lifestyle, promoting public peace and health, and upholding the rule of law. These vital standards are achieved by nurturing a generation equipped with quality education and exemplary upbringing.

In Uzbekistan, the protection of human rights and freedoms has become the main criterion for ensuring the rule of law

In the context of modern globalization, the protection of human and citizen rights and freedoms, as well as their legitimate interests within a country's territory, becomes particularly significant for every nation. Ensuring human rights, social cohesion, and the guarantee of well-being are leading contemporary strategies aligned with the "theory of social contract." In recent years, systematic efforts have been undertaken to strengthen the legislative and organizational-legal framework for human rights protection, integrate international standards into national legislation, and fulfill international obligations.

“Constitution: The Guarantee of a Free and Prosperous Life!” The Constitution of New Uzbekistan: Creation, Adoption, and Implementation

This year, Uzbekistan is widely celebrating the Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan under the main idea "The Constitution is the guarantee of a free and prosperous life!". Systematic organizational, practical, spiritual-cultural, educational, and legal measures have been launched in this direction, based on the Program approved by the order of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev "On the preparation and celebration of the Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated October 17, 2024.

Uzbekistan stands for cooperation between Central Asian countries in the field of ensuring water security

During the last years the issues of ensuring water security are becoming an urgent task for the region of Central Asia. At the same time the prior direction of foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the development of cooperation with the countries of Central Asia. In particular, in the strategy “Uzbekistan – 2030” practical cooperation in the Central Asian region is taken to a qualitatively new level, including strengthening close cooperation with the countries of the region in various fields, especially ecology and nature protection, rational use of water resources (goal 91) and the search for a phased solution to water problems in our country (goals 62-73) are listed as priority goals.

The Armed forces are a reliable guarantor of the stability in the New Uzbekistan

All of us know and appreciate that in the most challenging years of the formation of our young state, our Armed Forces have served as a reliable guarantee of the independence of our country, the peaceful life and well-being of our people, as well as the successful implementation of democratic reforms.

In Uzbekistan the makhalla institute — a key platform for promoting human dignity

The makhalla serves as a social space, acting as a bridge of trust between society and the state, fostering socialization and cultivating a spirit of tolerance and commitment to the well-being of the community. Across our country, there are 9,435 makhallas, each with a unique name that carries deep historical significance. These names embody the centuries-old, rich history of our people, reflecting its socio-political and economic life, as well as its cultural heritage.

The Samarkand Declaration of the International Conference on the “Role of the mahalla in improving the living standards of the population” has been distributed as an official document of the UN General Assembly in New York

At the UN, as an official document of the General Assembly has been distributed in English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and French, highlighting the unique institution of mahalla in Uzbekistan.